Summer 2023
Vineyard birds fulfill various roles throughout the grape growing cycle. Scavenging birds cause damage by uprooting vines, chewing on leaves, and pecking at ripening grapes. Conversely, predatory birds such as falcons, hawks, and owls serve as a natural pest control, preying on scavenging birds and harmful rodents. These intricate bird dynamics play a significant role in maintaining the balance of the vineyard ecosystem. PASSERENE wine labels are an acknowledgement of avian harvest helpers and antagonists.
A Simulated United States of America
Winter 2021 – Summer 2023
Spaces built for scientific research and their lack of intentional aesthetic have naturally evolved to suit labor, creating an aesthetic of their own. These places have crept from rugged industrial functionality into dreary science-fiction backrooms. In my artwork, I try to separate reality into “natural” and “simulated” parts. I create water and oil-based paintings of animals in corrupted digital environments. I use simple patterns like those on porcelain, in early ‘90s digital renders, and on animal prints as scaffolding to construct space in each image, resulting in surreal works that acknowledge feelings of derealization and determinism.
Devolved Logo and Sticker Designs
Fall 2022
Self-styled logo designs inspired by current design trends.